It Has Been a While

Hello Blog, It has been a while since writing for the sake of musing on my blog. I have drafts I kept from showing the world thinking about how writing is many times just for me. Now, reflection-wise, these past years have felt like nothing, but continual reflection and growth, prompted by institutions and books I have found on amazon. Mentors both worthwhile and worth learning what not to do from have been on the road along the way. I remember someone saying to me: "Watch other people make the mistakes for you. Learn from that so that when it is your turn to lead you will know what not to do." I have also been blessed with many that show me the right way! I feel like I am in a season of being planted in the fertile soil with the sun shining, just enough rain, and the chance to grow under all the right conditions. My job has been a Godsend landing where I feel safe and in a community that really has my back. My Masters felt like growing through concrete, but I had some...