The Lord has brought me into the intro internship at the perfect timing! Not only has it given me immediate friends that are believers from all stages of life, but has already transformed the way I used to interact with God. I've always known salvation is not works based, but so many times I've known that in my head, but not lived it out in my heart. I tried to be a good church girl, someone God could really be pleased with and when I messed up (which was everyday in one way or another) I would feel too ashamed to run to him wholeheartedly. I thought ok I need to go read my Bible or do a good deed really quick before I try to really talk to the Lord. Then I could feel ok to come into his presence, because then he could be happy with me. The truth is my most righteous moment is as filthy rags to the Holy Lord God Almighty! We not only have salvation by grace, but his delight over us is also by grace! He literally looks down at me during my worst moment with the same love and del...