
Showing posts from May, 2013

Evelyn's Birth Story

      So much about Evelyn is a dream come true in my life! After such a hard first twenty weeks of pregnancy being so sick, I think that my labor and delivery was truly a gift of grace from God. Birth is a more controversial issue than I ever realized until I became pregnant and lived in another town/sought out breastfeeding support. One trip to La Leche League Lr will also bring up this touchy subject, so it isn't just from being in another town. I have heard many stories, convictions, and seen all the documentaries about natural birth vs hospital birth and been asked the question "who is your midwife" more times than I can count. I am excited to share my story and what God did for me in the way that he had his hand on my story and my decision. I could not be happier about how it went. I'll start off with, I do not have a midwife. I have an OBGYN and I love it! Dr. Breniman from Cornerstone Clinic For Women is my choice and he has a five star rating and one hundred ...