Harvest Blessings
I am sitting in my new room at my new house, tired from the journey it took to get to this place of peace in our living situation, but mainly I am overwhelmed with gratitude to the Lord who was with us every step of the way. His ways truly were higher and greater than I imagined in the times that things seemed to make no sense at all and I felt so in the dark about his plan. I am grateful for his grace to keep me from losing heart and I'm so grateful for the people who carried us in prayer and helped us in countless ways along the way. Last blog post, I wanted to wait and see how the closing of our house played out before writing all the details of the last part of our journey to finally have a house in Little Rock and no longer a house in KC. I pray I remember every detail, because God's fingerprints were all over it and my faith has been built enormously. This Summer when our KC house w...