Just One Of Those Nights

It is just one of those nights... The kind of night that I need perspective. The kind of night I need my head to be lifted again. The kind of night I expect a miracle in my heart, because in these weak and broken moments I keep my eyes wide, wondering and waiting... how will you show up, God? I know you will. This year has been marked by so many miracles and the impossible becoming possible. I think about the many health struggles I have had the past eight years and that finally we have been able to put labels on systemic causes. I love that not only are my doctors getting some clues, but in Counseling classes I am learning about how the body responds to emotions and how every emotion has a physical manifestation. I don't like to feel negative feelings, so many times I have ignored casting my cares and instead stuffed them really, really deep down. I know how to be happy, I know how to get back to stable ground, but what I do not know how to do is to process the hard. Ironical...