Where My Thoughts Go Lately
Lately, the same things keep coming to my thoughts when I am not willing them to go a certain way. It all starts with Luke 8:26 and the story of the man who was living by himself naked in a cemetery, unable to be contained by shackles and living a life in isolated darkness. This man lived among caves beside the Sea of Galilee that I had the honor to be able to see with my own eyes last year on my trip there. That spot truck a deep chord in me as I saw it as the spot where a man that everyone feared, ran from, and were repulsed by was sought out, seen, freed, and connected with by Jesus. That man had not truly been seen by anyone in years and his own voice and self had been taken over by demons, enough to fill up an entire herd of pigs. Jesus went out of his way to go to the man that no one else wanted to be around, he truly saw this man that desired freedom and connection. He was healed, freed, and sent back to his family and friends to tell of the wonders Jesus had done. He conne...