Sound Of A Breaking Heart

This morning I woke up with a sense of heaviness, but I was not sure why. Something was stirring in my spirit in a way I felt like I was about to hear something that would take me back to the place of feeling my heart break inside my chest. Today was a happy day, these feelings felt unexplainable, even so they were going nowhere, so I decided to lean into them. I was able to spend alone time with God for about an hour just searching out my feelings and I just said in my raw state: "If there is a way I can give you my heart even more, I will. I trust you, I love you, I do not know why I am in so much need of your refuge this morning, but here I am hiding in your presence and that is all I know to do." I prayed through Psalm 91:" This I declare about the LORD: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him." And leaned into that verse wholeheartedly, but I really did not know why I would need to in that moment. It would not be until hours lat...