Write Me Something

After over a decade of marriage, and fourteen years of close friendship it came to my attention recently that Logan had not seen Anne of Green Gables. When telling people my middle name is "Blythe" I literally say you know like Gilbert Blythe! He said the first voicemail I sent him he saved and was so confused by my middle name, but did not want to offend me at the time. I, on the other hand, tended to say whatever I thought! And have not lost that quality...he has gained it more and more. :) I love to say my full name in a message, probably from my Anne with an "e" soul. Her name became Anne Blythe when she married the boy that she competed with most/offended her at first, but became her biggest fan and truest friend. Logan never said he did not know who Gilbert was and as time went by I was my own Blythe anyway. He got his own story! When this truth outed we spent days using spare time to get through all the movies. By the last one I realized I had been ...