
Showing posts from December, 2020

Write Me Something

After over a decade of marriage, and fourteen years of close friendship it came to my attention recently that Logan had not seen Anne of Green Gables. When telling people my middle name is "Blythe" I literally say you know like Gilbert Blythe! He said the first voicemail I sent him he saved and was so confused by my middle name, but did not want to offend me at the time. I, on the other hand, tended to say whatever I thought! And have not lost that quality...he has gained it more and more. :) I love to say my full name in a message, probably from my Anne with an "e" soul. Her name became Anne Blythe when she married the boy that she competed with most/offended her at first, but became her biggest fan and truest friend. Logan never said he did not know who Gilbert was and as time went by I was my own Blythe anyway. He got his own story!  When this truth outed we spent days using spare time to get through all the movies. By the last one I realized I had been ...

Worth Stopping For

A few weeks ago, I pulled off the highway onto an exit that was several lanes wide. There was a car in the lane next to me that had their hazard lights on, and a woman was outside the car looking distressed. I was in the middle lane during a busy hour with seemingly no way to pull out of the way of other cars but turned on my hazards and stopped. I saw there was a child in the backseat looking at me with a scared expression and I asked the woman: “Are you ok?” She in a distressed tone said someone had hit the back of her car and driven off without stopping.  Here I was stopping, but the cars all around me were getting annoyed, honking and I felt the pressure to move. I said to her how awful that was and looked at the child with an expression of “I see you there.” And felt moved for them yet moved on with the honks behind me and green light. I had this knot in my stomach that I should not have driven off and turned around at the next light. I made my game plan to stop on the street ...