The Story

1 Corinthians 4:8-9 "We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed."
Little did I know in my last two blog posts about how hard things were at the end of the pregnancy that the darkest days of my life so far were ahead of me before my precious son would be born. It started with me having all the symptoms of a bad stomach virus and included a fever on a Friday afternoon and ended up worsening as the days went by. I was uncontrollably sick to my stomach and Poppy ended up bringing me an IV at home to help get me get hydrated, but when I continued to throw up bile and my fever kept going up I was sent to the hospital. I thought I would only be staying hours, but little did I know it would be days before I saw home again. I wish I could say the next few days were a blur, but unfortunately I remember every haunting hour and sleepless moment of absolute torture that I went through. When I got there they took a stool sample that would take a few days to show what was wrong with me, but in the time we were waiting I was unable to drink water and sitting in a waiting game of torture as they simply tried to help my symptoms, but could not end the problem. They gave me strong narcotics and I would only sleep for an hour at most; each time I woke up realizing the torture I was still in. I literally felt like I was in hell thinking of the verse about being thirsty but being tortured by only getting a drop. I know how that feels and I was re-saved! I was allowed to swish water in my mouth and then spit it back in the cup, but not even a drop was able to go down my throat. I wanted desperately to gulp down every ounce of it, but was left thirsty for what seemed like eternity. I got so sick my kidneys started shutting down and I stopped urinating, then I got a fever that was 103 and Samuel's heart rate was 195 in the middle of the night. On top of all this I was having contractions as well. My liver was too weak to handle tylenol, so ice was put all over my body to get the fever to go down. Having ice in your arm pits is NOT fun! Never take tylenol for granted. ;) Finally, the results to my tests came in and at first were read wrong. The doctors came in and told me I would be having a C-section in four hours, because I had an African disease that could last up to 6 months. My body was already so weak that the thought of a C-section was really overwhelming and the news was even more overwhelming! I didnt know how much more I could take! Thankfully, thirty minutes later the doctors came back in and said they had great news: I HAD SALMANILA POISONING! It was the BEST NEWS!!!!!! When this is something to cheer about, you know the situation is bad! Finally I was able to get on antibiotics and go home. I was told that if I had my baby that weekend I would have to have a C-section, so I was really praying for it to be the next week. I was home a couple of days before I went into labor, but I wasnt sure I was actually in labor because of all the pain I had been in the week before. I spent Sunday in prelabor and Sunday night in real labor and finally went to the hospital at 5 am when I couldnt handle the pain any longer. The way I was screaming JESUS sounded less like a prayer and more like a bad word, but honestly it was a prayer! I just knew it was time to go in :).It turned out I was 6 cm dilated already! I had the BEST NURSE who was the sweetest woman I could have had and she immediately called in for my epideral. My heart rate had been above 140 because of all the pain I was in for that entire week and for the first time my heart went down to 58 after getting pain relief. I felt like I was at the spa!!!! Honestly, labor was a walk in the park compared to severe food poisoning! I slept from about 5:30 am-3:30 pm and pushed until 4:27 when my precious little boy was born. I felt God so close to me the whole time. I was exausted, but I kept hearing him say "you can do all things, I am your strength!" Jesus truly was my strength and in the middle of it all I felt him closer than my heartbeat and his comfort surrounded me. When Samuel was born he had meconium (sp?) that had to be suctioned out of his mouth right away and his chord had been wrapped around his neck, so he looked really grey. His little head had also gotten stuck in my pelvic bone and he was born face up, so his head had a lot of bruising on it. I did not get to hold him for probably 15-20 minutes and when I did he was so wide eyed and content that I was afraid he wasnt breathing! It turns out that is just how he is. :) He is the sweetest most content baby. I know he is an example of God's grace after such a hard pregnancy! For the next two hours family and friends poured in to see him and the whole time he just looked at everyone wide eyed and did not even cry. That is my baby!!! He is my sweetheart, a doll, snuggle bug, an absolute joy (except in the middle of the night:) When he sleeps through the night I seriously doubt ill have any complaints! Unfotunately,when I went home I suffered from insomnia, vomiting, and complete loss of appetite. By this point I literally had not slept more than an hour other than during labor in two weeks. I was literally feeling insane and sick. My family and husband helped me get through it and we realized some medicine I was taking was causing me to vomit and that I needed sleep, so they let me get that sleep. Sleep seriously makes me a new woman! That is why I miss it so much. :) It took me about a week to overcome that illness, but now I am feeling great! Well, now I am actually still feeling insanely tired, but all for natural reasons! I hope this blog makes sense actually...It may or may not, but give me grace. :)

Samuel is worth every moment of pain I have gone through from the chocolate pie I had to spit out at Thanksgiving to food poisoning and onto the pain I am still feeling during recovery. He is worth the stretch marks and hormonal chin hairs and everything else you can imagine! (since i tended to have EVERY symptom of pregnancy) Ill be doing this again for another baby sooner than later, call me crazy, but I just cant keep myself from it!

He is asleep!!! I better hurry hurry hurry and get some sleep while I can!

GOD IS GOOD!! moral of the story. :)


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