A Woman's Influence

        Men of all ages are destined to be leaders of something or someone no matter who they are. They may be the leader of a company, church small group, family, a country, an athletic team, etc. the sky is the limit! Even if the only thing they ever lead is their wife and family it is a huge calling that influences those around him. Men of all ages have someone that influences them the most and you know what I realized? It is the women in their life. Every woman holds the heart of a man. A mother first, a sister, that crush at school, girlfriend, fiance, and one day their wife holds the power to tear them down or build them up the most. Of course I believe in their strength to carry on, but we all know, when we encourage them they soar and when we discourage them they have a tough time overcoming it.
       For me, I think about my husband and my son. They are the men in my life that God gave me to be an influence in their lives. I am someone who could really encourage them and help them live out their calling that the Lord has specifically for them. I am Samuel's first life teacher. I am with him every moment of his day and it hit me that I am the one who is teaching him and showing him everything first. He looks to me for literally EVERYTHING! I am Logan's best friend and helper, the one he runs all his ideas by and dreams with. When he is discouraged or weary I am the one in his life he comes to. He is that for me as well,but I am just talking about my side right now. :)

    * Women, do not take your roles lightly. The men in your life are destined by God to be leaders and influential men of integrity. Let them dream big, even if it scares you. Encourage them! Don't constantly criticize. See the man he will be one day by looking at the fruits he has in his life now that will continue to grow. Listen to what he cares about. Make an effort to try and understand what he cares about. Most importantly LIVE OUT AN EXAMPLE of someone who loves Jesus with all of their heart and runs towards God and his destiny for your life. Listen to the Shepherd, do what he says, and in the end your influence will be a good one. :) *   Help me, Lord, to do this.


  1. AMEN AND AMEN!!!! im so glad you shared this molly!


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