
Showing posts from 2013

The End of Myself

      The song "Letting Go" by Steffany Frizzell has seemed to find me in moments I really need it this month. I know the Lord uses music to speak to my soul and help me make sense of things I am also feeling or going through. The words that have struck a chord for me are: "You've brought me to the end of myself   And this has been the longest road   Just when my hallelujah was tired   You gave me a new song   I'm letting go, I'm letting go   I'm letting go, and falling into You   I confess I still get scared sometimes   But perfect love comes rushing in   And all the lies that screamed inside go silent   Fear was no match for your love!!! IM LETTING GO..."           I am weary, I cannot lie. This month has been like trying to get out to the ocean while wave after wave keeps knocking me down physically and spiritually. It actually all started November 14, almost exactly a month...


*Note: I only write these at obscure hours or like today in the middle of listening to baby einstein and stopping for spit up clean ups and every other little thing you can imagine babies might need, so please excuse me if there are run on sentences, grammar mistakes etc! :) One post takes me like 1,000 stops and starts haha! I am not trying to write a book, just thoughts as jumbled as they may be! *       A lot of times in life there is something on my mind that I think is "too small" to talk much to God about. If I am spending time in intercession, shouldn't I pray for something BIG? These "small" things tend to be like a hang nail though, something that hurts and I can't get off my mind. Stuff that affects me every single moment and that is on the top of my mind. I had a rare chance to sit before the Lord and worship by myself two days ago and had a wonderful moment hearing from Jesus. I turned on my apple tv youtube and listened to Hillsong for a brief...

The Whole Truth And Nothing, But The Truth

       My last post I had just had an incredible encounter with God and a desire to live wholeheartedly once again. I had not turned from God, I had just become complacent and living off of old revelation and encounter with God. I was living on the fumes of grace as I called it.;) In this absolutely crazy season of life I had put my comfort before my pursuit of deeper relationship with Jesus. I went to dinner with my best friend, Meagan and told her all about what I experienced, but I also said I was scared, because it seems like everytime something amazing like this happens trials come up too. **1 Peter 4:12-15 "Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you. 13 But rejoice as you share Christ's sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is revealed.  **John 16:33"These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world ...

A Divine Encounter

Jeremiah 29:13 "You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart."-God               This morning, before the sun rose I found myself sitting in my driveway tears in my eyes, overwhelmed with joy, peace, and love saying "God, you are amazing! You are AMAZING! I love you, I love you..." It had been too long since I had sat in the silence of the morning in awe of Him. This week will go down in my spiritual history and relationship with God as a week of re-dedication, spiritual awakening, and saying YES by his grace to the invitation to go deeper in my relationship with Jesus. I am going to be vulnerable when I say I know that for the past couple of years I have been living on what I call "the fumes of grace". I let my busy life and stage get the best of me and I felt too "tired" to really take the extra time to seek God in His word daily and to really give the effort I needed to make to truly seek God with my WHOLE heart. I have ...

Evelyn's Birth Story

      So much about Evelyn is a dream come true in my life! After such a hard first twenty weeks of pregnancy being so sick, I think that my labor and delivery was truly a gift of grace from God. Birth is a more controversial issue than I ever realized until I became pregnant and lived in another town/sought out breastfeeding support. One trip to La Leche League Lr will also bring up this touchy subject, so it isn't just from being in another town. I have heard many stories, convictions, and seen all the documentaries about natural birth vs hospital birth and been asked the question "who is your midwife" more times than I can count. I am excited to share my story and what God did for me in the way that he had his hand on my story and my decision. I could not be happier about how it went. I'll start off with, I do not have a midwife. I have an OBGYN and I love it! Dr. Breniman from Cornerstone Clinic For Women is my choice and he has a five star rating and one hundred ...

The Grass IS Greener

Colossians 2:6-7" So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, 7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness."              Tonight I find myself overwhelmed with thankfulness. For this life God made for me. For the people I have to love and who love me. I have been through struggles, but following Jesus has proved to make my life so worth living. I would not trade places with anyone. I would not trade for a billion dollars, to be a size zero, or to be famous. I love this life, my life. I am happy with being Molly Bloom and living the life that God ordained for me. I love being Logan's wife and Samuel's mom more than anything I have ever experienced! The grass is greener...greener on my side of the fence! I like it here. :) I am so thankful to God for what he has done in MY life and the responsibilities he has...


        Wow! This season of life has proved to be CRAZY! I had no idea that our life would be changing completely in so many ways a few months ago. It went from the quiet days with just one baby living everyday life to becoming pregnant, overcoming hyperemesis, finding out we were having a girl, finding out we would no longer be living in KC, and finally TRANSITION. I hate transition. I like to just be where I am headed and forget all the in between stuff. The thought of packing up and getting a house ready for the market is a scary one and I hoped that the process would seem worse in my head and in reality be easier. I was very wrong! Being pregnant, having a teething one year old, and little help available is really as hard as it sounds. It has indeed been just as bad as expected, but God is giving me grace and this week I have gotten a lot done despite the fact that my son is fussing almost all the time due to molars coming in. :( I decide...