The Grass IS Greener

Colossians 2:6-7"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, 7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness."

             Tonight I find myself overwhelmed with thankfulness. For this life God made for me. For the people I have to love and who love me. I have been through struggles, but following Jesus has proved to make my life so worth living. I would not trade places with anyone. I would not trade for a billion dollars, to be a size zero, or to be famous. I love this life, my life. I am happy with being Molly Bloom and living the life that God ordained for me. I love being Logan's wife and Samuel's mom more than anything I have ever experienced! The grass is greener...greener on my side of the fence! I like it here. :) I am so thankful to God for what he has done in MY life and the responsibilities he has given me. For now one of the main responsibilites he has given me is to raise Samuel and soon my baby girl. Thinking about this house we are about to leave has made me emotional with memories made here. So many things I never want to forget happened here. Our first apartment where me and Logan were newlyweds will always have a place in my heart, but this house was our "newlyparents" house and I sure hope someone will treasure their time here after us living a life they love as well. I want to make this post a list of things I dont want to forget. So...


- Spending over a year with just one car and figuring out ways to get Samuel out and have a good time despite that. We would walk to the community center and go swimming in the indoor pool on a regular basis. Samuel and I had so many fun times there. I have never had so few friends in my life as I have had here and so much of my time was spent hanging out with just Samuel and looking for things for us to do. My life in Arkansas has so many people in it and I know I am going to LOVE that, but there was something truly special about the time I spent here with Samuel that will always be dear to my heart. I learned to be a mom here. I learned I can make it when I am out of my comfort zone and away from everything familiar. I can not only make it, but I can enjoy my time raising my baby and sulking about wishing I was somewhere else did not steal that joy from me. I am happy God taught me to be content, even though my heart never truly left AR. I think my soul must have known I was meant to move back. ;)

- We LOVE the park near our house and had many fun times with friends and also just ourselves enjoying it. Samuel crawled most of the time we went, but towards the end of living here I have gotten to see him walk all around and that has been really fun to see. :) He liked to crawl around the circle sidewalk around the maze and now that he walks he likes to go off the beaten path into the fields. He also likes to play with the woodchips and swing on the swing. 

- Our house has a really open living room and kitchen with lots of windows where we loved to spend our time. We spent many hours playing and looking out the big windows at cars and buses going by. Samuel would hide his "treasures" in the fireplace where we never actually would ever build a fire. I guess some fireplaces are better at being treasure chests. ;) 

- Samuel loves his room! I am really praying that he will love his next room as much. When he sleeps anywhere else he gets up early, but as soon as he is back in his own room he sleeps 12-14 hours! I love how much he loves his own bed and how easy it is to put him to bed. He is an absolute angel about bedtime and naptime. All I do is say night night and he doesnt even cry. He also plays in his bed for about 45 mins before he falls asleep and then again in the morning. If he isnt ready to go to sleep he just realizes that it is time to be in bed and so he has to make the best of it. I am so proud of him!

- I love when Logan gets up with Samue and when I wake up, Samuel walks into my room and greets me. It is so much fun to wake up to such a sweet and loving son! He has to get a hug before doing anything else! He wont even let me brush my teeth first, which I usually try to insist. ;)

- Samuel has so much fun with our master bedroom french doors. He opens and shuts them all the time. He is amazed by two doors being there at once!

- Samuel has loved the prayer room since he was in the womb. I remember he would kick so hard when I was pregnant that sometimes I would have to leave if the music was too upbeat! He STILL loves the prayer room. I never want to forget taking him there and seeing how much he loved it. Now that he can walk he walks around holding my hand and when he let go I said "you need to hold mommy's hand or we have to leave" and he grasped tight again. What a sweetheart. He is always mesmerized by worship and music. I love to see him enjoy himself and I pray one day soon in the future he will understand why he is so drawn to it. I pray he will worship God from a very early age.

- I never expected Samuel would stay in our room for so many months, but we just seemed to have too much fun with him close by at night. I'll never forget the first few months he was born and the lack of sleep, BUT also the joy that his newborn self brought to us. I held Samuel every single nap for the first eight months of his life and I do not regret one second of it! I did that here, in this house. :) The memories of holding my sleeping son will never leave me and I will never regret it.

There are so many other things, but I am so tired....:)))) I just had to write out a few things. Tonight I go to bed overwhelmed with thankfulness. Thankfulness to God for this life, for this family, and for not only our past, but our future. I love your story, Lord, please help me to keep following you and give me grace to love every season and be content in all circumstances, always thankful.



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