My Friend,Cece
When I was in school, by the time I was a junior I felt a leading from the Lord to go to John Brown University for college. I had applied before senior year and had already accepted. I was THAT sure of it. I wanted to go to school for ministry and cover all my bases, so that one day I could be in Women's ministry. (Something I believe is still in my future;) There was just one problem- I did not have any friends there. Sometimes I have the strength to be outgoing, but I really don't like the idea of first impressions and the awkwardness of getting to a close friendship. I was exhausted at the thought of all that it would take to make a close friend when I got there. I had been surrounded by the same best friends since middle school and then spent my summers with my kindred spirit camp counselor friends. How was I going to manage at this school where no one knew anything, but their impressions of me? ...