My Friend,Cece
When I was in school, by the time I was a junior I felt a leading from the Lord to go to John Brown University for college. I had applied before senior year and had already accepted. I was THAT sure of it. I wanted to go to school for ministry and cover all my bases, so that one day I could be in Women's ministry. (Something I believe is still in my future;) There was just one problem- I did not have any friends there. Sometimes I have the strength to be outgoing, but I really don't like the idea of first impressions and the awkwardness of getting to a close friendship. I was exhausted at the thought of all that it would take to make a close friend when I got there. I had been surrounded by the same best friends since middle school and then spent my summers with my kindred spirit camp counselor friends. How was I going to manage at this school where no one knew anything, but their impressions of me?
I'll never forget my first week at JBU. I had a lump in my throat on the verge of tears almost the entire time, except when I was actually bawling in my car. I was so scared and felt so alone and more of a baby than I expected to be. I had just been away from home all summer at camp again, why couldn't I get it together? I prayed so hard that week and felt the Lord's presence near and I prayed a prayer I thought was hopeless..."Lord, could you send me a friend?"
The next day I was sitting in the chapel for some introduction chapel and felt that familiar lump in my throat. I sat down in an empty seat, weary of all the small talk I had had that day. "Hey, is Casper sitting there?" a jolly voice with a fun laugh asked me. "huh?" I responded confused. "You know the ghost.. LOL...Im Cecilia". Later, I would find out that my shirt that said "contagious joy" interested her to come have a seat by me. I am REALLLLY glad I wore that t-shirt that day. ;) That night, there was another one of those awkward introduction things that college has. I was so done with being the new freshman and ready to get on with it! I felt alone in a room full of people asking about majors. I saw Cece across the room sitting and felt the Holy Spirit tell me to go up and give her a hug. It was a bold move, since I had only met her once, but I knew he wanted me to and so I went. I hugged her from the back, and surprised her. She gave me that same contagious laugh and smile I had heard earlier that day. Little did I know, she was thinking in her head how lonely she felt and that she wished someone would give her a hug. After that, she walked me back towards my dorm and we ended up talking for three hours like old friends. This mystery girl had come all the way from Hawaii! She did not even know about John Brown until she had a dream about going there that she felt was the Lord leading her. She had so much faith, she literally chose her college from a leading of the Holy Spirit that made no sense. Arkansas vs Hawaii??;) She did not have any close friends at the school either, but she was full on faith and prayer. Our lives had very different stories that lead us to where we were sitting that night, but we had one major thing in common- we loved the Lord and he was blatantly leading us in our lives. No doubt about it, we were supposed to be at John Brown and as we talked, we realized we were supposed to be friends. I said to her that I really hated the idea of taking forever to make a best friend....and I wondered if we could be "best friends now, details later." She agreed and history was made. She still remains a best friend to me ever since that night.
Cece was literally God given to me. We were two desperate souls in need of a friend and my prayer was answered almost immediately. When I was sick, she was there. When I needed someone to pray with, she was there crying out to God passionately for anything that was going on. If I was doubting or broken, she listened to the Lord for advice and gave me the honest truth, even if it wasn't easy to hear. If I ever have story of Cece reminds me that God was there and always has been there. He gives all that we need to run the race that is set before us... Thanks for looking past first impressions and always accepting me and being a woman of strength and faith, Cece. You are an example in my life of God's mercy and faithfulness.
I'll never forget my first week at JBU. I had a lump in my throat on the verge of tears almost the entire time, except when I was actually bawling in my car. I was so scared and felt so alone and more of a baby than I expected to be. I had just been away from home all summer at camp again, why couldn't I get it together? I prayed so hard that week and felt the Lord's presence near and I prayed a prayer I thought was hopeless..."Lord, could you send me a friend?"
The next day I was sitting in the chapel for some introduction chapel and felt that familiar lump in my throat. I sat down in an empty seat, weary of all the small talk I had had that day. "Hey, is Casper sitting there?" a jolly voice with a fun laugh asked me. "huh?" I responded confused. "You know the ghost.. LOL...Im Cecilia". Later, I would find out that my shirt that said "contagious joy" interested her to come have a seat by me. I am REALLLLY glad I wore that t-shirt that day. ;) That night, there was another one of those awkward introduction things that college has. I was so done with being the new freshman and ready to get on with it! I felt alone in a room full of people asking about majors. I saw Cece across the room sitting and felt the Holy Spirit tell me to go up and give her a hug. It was a bold move, since I had only met her once, but I knew he wanted me to and so I went. I hugged her from the back, and surprised her. She gave me that same contagious laugh and smile I had heard earlier that day. Little did I know, she was thinking in her head how lonely she felt and that she wished someone would give her a hug. After that, she walked me back towards my dorm and we ended up talking for three hours like old friends. This mystery girl had come all the way from Hawaii! She did not even know about John Brown until she had a dream about going there that she felt was the Lord leading her. She had so much faith, she literally chose her college from a leading of the Holy Spirit that made no sense. Arkansas vs Hawaii??;) She did not have any close friends at the school either, but she was full on faith and prayer. Our lives had very different stories that lead us to where we were sitting that night, but we had one major thing in common- we loved the Lord and he was blatantly leading us in our lives. No doubt about it, we were supposed to be at John Brown and as we talked, we realized we were supposed to be friends. I said to her that I really hated the idea of taking forever to make a best friend....and I wondered if we could be "best friends now, details later." She agreed and history was made. She still remains a best friend to me ever since that night.
Cece was literally God given to me. We were two desperate souls in need of a friend and my prayer was answered almost immediately. When I was sick, she was there. When I needed someone to pray with, she was there crying out to God passionately for anything that was going on. If I was doubting or broken, she listened to the Lord for advice and gave me the honest truth, even if it wasn't easy to hear. If I ever have story of Cece reminds me that God was there and always has been there. He gives all that we need to run the race that is set before us... Thanks for looking past first impressions and always accepting me and being a woman of strength and faith, Cece. You are an example in my life of God's mercy and faithfulness.
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