Creatures Of Comfort

Psalm 123:5-6 "...My cup overflows with blessings. Surely, your goodness and love (mercy) will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever."

             Something I have learned in my relationship with Christ and journey of faith is that faith is tested time and time again as we have to choose to believe God means what He says in His word. Every verse is true, even when we can't see it from our current perspective. Sometimes the most courageous thing you can do is choose to believe,when it cannot be seen. The truth will come to light as we trust in the character of Jesus and that he is fully good and right in all that He does. As we put our faith in our loving God, all that we go through is for His glory and our GOOD.  
          What is good for us in God's eyes, many times is opposite from what our human nature thinks to be good. For me, in my motherhood I have been put on a journey that doesn't always seem like "goodness" following me. My pregnancies were very trying and medically dangerous as I suffered from hyperemesis gravitum and low immune system. Post partum I dealt with thyroid problems for the first year each time called Post Partum thyroditits. Along with this, it was noticeable that my son was developmentally behind and showed signs that something was not right. From an early age with him, I had to realize that his needs were beyond my capacity and that we needed therapy interventions to help him thrive. He is high functioning on the Autistic spectrum, noticeable from the moment I laid eyes on him that something was different. By the grace of God he is thriving, but not without a road of many heart aches. I have a daughter as well, my pregnancy with her proved to be my hardest and the one which we realized it would be best to no longer have biological children. My third child right now is through fostering. This baby has rare special needs that require many appointments and much about her future in life and health is unknown. This has been the most emotionally hard situation as a mother. 
             We are creatures of comfort and searching for happiness. God is holy and after our hearts and holiness. He is after our best interest, a purified heart and deep relationship with Him. His will for us is usually out of our comfort zones and beyond what our human capacity feels it can take. Also, the glory and good it brings is better than we could imagine, if we persevere and trust. When I imagined motherhood, I never imagined being a special needs mom times two, or that I wouldn't have more pregnancies. What else I didn't imagine is how in every circumstance God has brought me to, hard or happy, it has been used to bring me closer to His heart and have the opportunity to become more like Him. His goodness and mercy follows me every single day both tangibly and sometimes in the unseen, but truth ALWAYS proves true.
           Whatever your circumstance as a mother, God has overflowed our cups with blessing and his goodness and unfailing love meet us everyday in full force. In the mundane, in the joyful, in the hard, we can always be sure of this.  

Lord, would you open our eyes to the blessings that you have poured so generously into our lives and help us to live our life in the moment to the fullest. This life as a mother was given to us as a gift, to make us more like you and know you on a deeper level. Don't let tiredness or discouragement get in the way of us realizing the fullness of your love in our lives and the blessings we have from you. You gave me my circumstances and my children to me for a reason and I thank you for the beautiful roads you have us all on. Help us to not compare and to gaze upon your beauty in the everyday moments and not waste the lessons and growth you have for us in this season. Thank you that you pursue me passionately and that forever I will dwell with you.



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