
Showing posts from January, 2017


       The last time I posted on my blog about our life personally was last Summer. It was the one called "I have a bandaid now". It was a raw and bitter sweet time. We were in a place where our hearts were needing to be healed as we missed our foster daughter. Another baby came into our life, but its been too hard to write about, until now.         In the months following sunshine baby's absence, every night as I would fall asleep, I felt like my soul was searching for someone, like someone was missing. It was a really hard feeling, because I knew that it didn't have to do with sunshine baby, but with another one. My heart started really being drawn to adoption, the goodbye of sunshine baby showed me all the more that our family was in a place that adoption seemed like the best thing to do. One afternoon, I got a call about a baby boy who was needing a long term placement. He had been put up for adoption by a loving mother who felt her life wasn't in a good plac